Saturday, February 19, 2011


In an article by Emmarie Huetteman, published Februaray 19, 2011, The New York Times reports:

Winds Fell National Christmas Tree

"High winds whipped through the metropolitan Washington area on Saturday, downing power lines, fueling brush fires and even toppling the National Christmas Tree."

Where's the delay?

Typically, when a journalist does a phone interview from the studio with someone in a remote location, there is a quite obvious, sometimes even annoying delay. The reporter asks a question - a noticeable gap of time passes, then the interviewee answers the question.

Not so with this report, which begs me to ask the question "How is CNN doing this?

What kind of communications technology is being used in this interview that provides such clear and immediate communication - better even than domestic interviews?

Given that this interview may very well be used to lobby Washington to intervene in the Libyan crisis, I think it's important to have the answer to this question.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Feb17 update

From Twitter:
@ShababLibya #libya source: "intl community is responsible 4 wat is happening here, if it doesn't act, it will be responsible 4 a massacre in the making"
“I don’t want a democracy. I want a monarchy. I like how things are. I have a job. I have a house. I have free health care.”
@ShababLibya: my last tweet of the night, i have tried to add up a minimum deaths total from various people across Libya, looks like its about 71 #Libya

Question: Is the MENA revolution truly an uprising of the people, or a movement they are being swept into like a flooding river - thrust upon them from unidentifiable outside forces that are beyond their control?

Question: Is Twitter filtering tweets to display only those in favor of the uprising? It seems like these anti-uprising tweets appear briefly then rapidly disappear into digital oblivion.

Coal River Mountain

"If everyone could see this there would be a revolution in this country."

Mrs. Obama, your slip is showing

"Many people are going to have to get retrained because the economic structure of this company - of this country, I'm sorry - has just changed significantly."

- Michelle Obama

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The conspiracy folk could argue the first lady's statement lends some credence to the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" is a corporation not a republic, and we are all chattel of the corporation, not sovereign citizens of the republic theory.

And just how, exactly, has the economic structure of the company/country changed, why is it significant, how are we the people being informed of this change?

In a democracy, aren't we the people supposed to have some say in this?

Hungry Sharks

Just wondering - are these sharks hungry because the BP oil spill has disrupted the food chain? Is this one of many side effects of that event?

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 17th

My birthday. Not sure how I like having it designated Libya's "Day of Anger". Can we make it a day of joy instead? A day of peace? A day of Liberation?

Let's make it a good day. A day to remember. A day of celebration. A day of miracles.

I don't generally pay attention to my birthday. Sometimes it goes by and I don't even notice it happened. It's kind of hard to miss it this year.

Funny how my nickname Libby so resembles the name of the country Libya.

Maybe now we will share the same birthday? February 17th.

Let's make it a good day.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Will the internetz end oppression? MSNBC Reports

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From TED - Martin Jacques: Understanding the rise of China

Martin Jacques observations are very consistent with my own experience of China from my 1999 travels there. The Chinese are an up and coming force to be reckoned with on the global scene.

This is a good thing, to be welcomed not feared.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pretty much sums it all up

Convo from IRC Chat #anonleaks:

FriedSquid: its a big change....the printing press, radio, TV.....all made money for the rich and could control what the content was....newspaper cost money, as does broadcasting....the internet makes hella cash.....except, pretty much anyone can send any messgae to lot of people at the touch of a botton for pretty much nothing......its a game changer

lawlington: friedsquid you are exactly right

lawlington: thats why the rich want to try and control the internet...

I lost The Game

and if you've read this post, so have you.

Click here to find out what I'm talking about.

o_O Winner of today's really bad idea award

Adorable, but is this really the direction we want to go? Turning wildlife into suburban consumers? This is possibly one of the worst ideas I've seen. Isn't it bad enough that our human food source is behind lock and key? Do we really want to socialize our critters into our disfunctional ecostructure?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thank You Egypt

for showing the world that the answer to oppression is not guns, but over coming our fear to peacefully, collectively stand our ground.

What I'm really about

is regenerating Eden - the natural garden state of the earth.

This video of a 300 year old suburban Vietnamese food forest visited by permaculture guru Geoff Lawton is a fine example of what I'm talking about. Gardening, not for beauty alone, but for sustenance. Sustenance not just for humans, but for all species.

Why have we forgotten how to live like this?

Not only have we forgotten, we've literally regulated this lifestyle into oblivion in the "developed" world.

Hello World

Don't really know where to start. This isn't exactly the beginning. Life's been going on for awhile now. I have diverse interests, experience, skillz and directions.

Guess I'll just jump right in and start posting things in my typical non-linear fashion as they show up . If you are strong in pattern recognition, you might possibly even connect some dots to make some sense out of my ramblings.

Hope you enjoy!