Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Amazon Rainforest Deforestation

From Nasa Earth Observatory. Read full article here.

The state of Rondônia in western Brazil — once home to 208,000 square kilometers of forest (about 51.4 million acres), an area slightly smaller than the state of Kansas — has become one of the most deforested parts of the Amazon. In the past three decades, clearing and degradation of the state’s forests have been rapid: 4,200 square kilometers cleared by 1978; 30,000 by 1988; and 53,300 by 1998. By 2003, an estimated 67,764 square kilometers of rainforest—an area larger than the state of West Virginia—had been cleared.

Monday, May 2, 2011

More on Osama

Supposedly they buried him at sea and burned the mansion where they shot him in the head. WTF?????

Way to destroy the evidence.

I have a bad feeling about this