Saturday, October 8, 2011

The ducks don't care

Steps away from the demonstration I'm sitting in the serenity of nature at the edge of the duck pond. Occupy Wall Street or Occupy nature. Contention and harmony co-exist within meters of each other. It is each individuals choice which reality we choose to inhabit.

Learning to blog on mobile

I'm sitting at Mix, a coffee shop in Lithia Plaza in Ashland Oregon, Android in hand.  Steve Jobs passed just days ago. #OccupyWallStreet has morphed into #OccupyEvereywhere and is being represented just a few steps away from me as #OccupyAshland - a small but valiant crew. I am authoring and uploading this blog on Google technology. The October revolution of 2011 is underway, and the times they are a changin'. Out with the old, in with the new. History in the making to be documented on my hand-held device.