Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Rupture

The heavens opening above Kiritimati (Christmas Island) on Judgement Day.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Countdown to the beginning of the End of the World

According to Harold Camping of, The end of the World begins May 21st at 6pm, in whatever timezone you are in, so I have created a countdown widget set to 6pm, May 21st, 2011 on Kiritimati, Kiribati, which borders the International Dateline at it's eastern most point.

By Campings predictions, the people of Kiritimati will be the first to experience the beginning of the end of the world which, according to Camping, will begin with a massive earthquake, resurrection, return of Christ, judgement day and rapture. Those who remain on earth will then enter a five month period of horror and suffering that will conclude October 21st with the complete destruction and end of the world.

Survive the rapture and you're still here to celebrate? Check out the facebook organized after the rapture looting party. See you there!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

R.E.M. - It's the end of the world

It's a day early, but I figure if I post this tomorrow no one will be around to watch it 'cause we'll all be raptured, dead, or too busy dealing with the final judgement and destruction of the world to bother. Besides, the net will probably be down.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Surging BRIC middle classes are eclipsing global poverty

"This dwarfs even the 19th-century middle class explosion in its global scale," noted economists Dominic Wilson and Raluca Dragusanu in a 2009 Goldman Sachs report. And they predicted, "the pace of expansion ... is likely to pick up."

Read the full article:

Surging BRIC middle classes are eclipsing global poverty


Bin Laden Family Reaction to Osama's Death