Friday, February 18, 2011

Feb17 update

From Twitter:
@ShababLibya #libya source: "intl community is responsible 4 wat is happening here, if it doesn't act, it will be responsible 4 a massacre in the making"
“I don’t want a democracy. I want a monarchy. I like how things are. I have a job. I have a house. I have free health care.”
@ShababLibya: my last tweet of the night, i have tried to add up a minimum deaths total from various people across Libya, looks like its about 71 #Libya

Question: Is the MENA revolution truly an uprising of the people, or a movement they are being swept into like a flooding river - thrust upon them from unidentifiable outside forces that are beyond their control?

Question: Is Twitter filtering tweets to display only those in favor of the uprising? It seems like these anti-uprising tweets appear briefly then rapidly disappear into digital oblivion.