Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Gaddafi son's London mansion seized

Tahrir square cleared


No description required

Although this image begs to be paired with this video of Anonymous hacking the Westboro "God hates fags" Baptist church live on the Pakman daily show.

In case you are uninformed on the WBC, they are the congregation that insists on protesting at military funerals to spread their message of hate.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tanks on the move West to East in Texas

Probably just business as usual, but just run the numbers on this one, and imagine what we could better do with those dollars than manufacture, man and transport all this hardware.

To protect and to serve: which side are you on?

These two videos appeared in my stream simultaneously.

and then there's this . . .

The journey of a thousand miles begins

Here be dragons: Governing a technologically uncertain future

Say What???

Apparently unaware Mr Gates was wearing a microphone, Gen Petraeus greeted him at Kabul airport joking: “Welcome back, sir, flying a little bigger plane than normal... you gonna launch some attacks on Libya or something?”

Monday, March 7, 2011