Monday, April 11, 2011

Grandma hacks the internet with shovel

A 75-year-old Georgian woman was despondent following her arrest and subsequent release for alleged cutting a fiber-optic cable in her poverty-stricken village of Armazi -- and causing Internet outages in three neighboring countries. 

Facing up to three years in prison, the woman pled her innocence in court Friday. She argued not only that she wasn't responsible for the outage, she doesn't even know what the World Wide Web is. 

"I have no idea what the Internet is," Hayastan Shakarian told news agency AFP, arguing between bursts of tears that she lacked the strength to cut through the thick cable. 

Shakarian said she had been collecting firewood; police argue the woman was scavenging for scrap metal when she discovered the primary fiber-optic cable which runs through the two countries. Service went down when she apparently hacked into it with a shovel severing the line, officials said.

From Fox News