Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Merri-Go-Round is afire . . . now what?

By Mateo Geoly

what can i say friends?
love like it's your last day on earth...

all the work done to improve,
doesn't it all come down
to this anyway?
no matter how beautiful the ladder
or how grand the sights from 'on high'?

here, rooted & plain,
the stars aren't particularly
and Wonder lets a mere breeze create
a smile from the gut...
outa nowhere.

is the place of reconing
where finally,
finally life is let through the stories
that bind the sky we are
to tomorrows
and what memory's chains march fourth
as clothing
atop reality
and no frontier...

what can i say now of freedom
but love,
love the mere fact,
the plain miracle of having breath
and innocence once frightfully flown
alights again for keeps-

and if that's not enough,
have the audacity,
the courage to seek behind the words;
be lived
step by infantile step
by what responds as we peek into
what's now breathing us,
thundering an unmistakable
from inside out
and vice versa.

By grace of Allah, Brahman, God,
by grace of your child, lover, friend,
by grace of whatever moves you
(assuming you are moved
now and again
by something inexplicably real
and seek
to know that)
stay awhile where this tide of breath
all by itself
and I or some other will meet you
in laughter and celebration
here where roars simple
as it speaks
on its own terms
through every imagined obstacle
and every seeming veil.

Maybe we'll get together and play
a play
such that this land's been crying for...

no more entertainment,
no more 'occasional sparks'...
shine baby,

the merry-go-round's afire,
