Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hungry Sharks

"Jason Kresse, 29, of Freeport, and two crew members had been fishing for red snapper about 50 miles into the Gulf of Mexico and were dumping fish guts into the water about 3:45 a.m. Monday when they heard two big splashes in the distance.

"All of a sudden something hit the side of the boat," Kresse told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "He ends up landing on the back of the boat."

The mako shark had apparently been in a rush to feed. It began thrashing around, and Kresse said he and his crew couldn't get close to the 375-pound fish to toss it back in the water. It damaged the boat before dying several hours later."

More and more I have been finding reports of aggressive animal behavior in the Gulf. In this case, as in many others. My suspicion is that these animals are starving to death, their food chain having been severly damaged by the gulf oil spill.

I am not alone in predicting events such as this will become more and more prevalent, in direct proportion to catastrophic habitat destruction due to incidents such as oil spills, and radiation contamination.

I am deeply concerned for the health of the life on this planet. We need to begin living locally and simply NOW. We need to stop mining, stop drilling, stop building and start planting.

Our very lives, and the survival of so many other living things depend on it.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

More hungry sharks